
We are a team of dedicated
professionals passionate about helping
individuals unlock their brain’s
potential through the neurofeedback.

We, the owners of Elite Innovative Health Services, are delighted to share our story and the vision behind our clinic. It is with great pleasure that we present to you a brief history of our journey, highlighting the core principles that drive our commitment to mental health and well-being.

Elite Innovative Health Services originated in the United States under the guidance of Dr. William Richardson. Driven by his passion for advancing mental health care, he laid the foundation of our clinic, focusing primarily on neurofeedback—a revolutionary approach to addressing mental health challenges.

In 2022, Elite Innovative Health Services opened a new chapter in Dubai, made possible by the dedication and determination of our CEO, Abdullah Lootah, who carried on the vision of his late father, Saeed Lootah.

Following in his father’s footsteps, Abdullah partnered with Dr. William Richardson to help those in need and initiate widespread change; he recognized our society was struggling with mental health challenges, yet few had the support they needed. Thus, Elite Innovative Health Services Dubai was born, devoted to providing alternative solutions to mental health issues, with neurofeedback as the cornerstone.

In pursuit of our goal to provide exceptional mental health care and establish the highest standards in the UAE, we are actively integrating the expertise of top doctors and adopting international best practices. At Elite Innovative Health Services, we are committed to fulfilling this vision, fueled by compassion, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to positively transform the lives of our patients.